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About QRRA

The Quail Ridge Residents’ Association (QRRA) was incorporated under the Society Act (BC) on December 4, 2000.  See:  Quail Ridge Certificate of Incorporation.


QRRA Purpose 

The QRRA Board defined it's purposes as: 

• acting as a conduit for community interests

• acting as a resource for relevant community information

• promoting community safety through member awareness 

• partnering with area businesses:  Okanagan Golf Club and UBCO, with an emphasis on building and fostering long term supportive relationships 

• engaging with the City of Kelowna on proposals or bylaws that impact our community and representing our community on bylaws and related issues, and

• accessing and coordinating resources regarding interests and concerns as necessary. 


What Your Membership Means

Membership in QRRA is voluntary.  Choosing to become a member requires a minimal bi-annual fee and entitles you to voting privileges at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  


Your participation is critical at our AGM.  Under the Societies Act (BC), non-profits must hold an AGM once every calendar year to conduct business and vote in a new Board of Directors. The bylaws state the AGM must have a minimum of 10% of the members in attendance.



What is a Residents' Association?

What We Do

ʉۢ work to improve the quality of life for residents by developing a cleaner, safer, healthier neighbourhood

 â€¢ provide a unified body to liaise with the local municipality and partners (ie: Okanagan Golf Club, UBCO and YLW airport) to achieve common community goals 

• provide a means of communicating with neighbours 

• encourage discussion of ideas affecting the neighbourhood and promote cooperative action 

• organize cooperative neighbourhood improvement projects 

• address and problem solve issues that exist or arise within the neighbourhood

What We Are Not 

Residents’ Associations are not political action committees.  The QRRA works with City staff to help grow our community.


Residents’ Associations are not stratas.  Stratas have control over the lands and amenties in a specfied area.  Residents' Associations do not. 


However, the QRRA can help to inform members of neighbourhood issues or concerns and. We can also help figure out who members should contact directly.  


To report issues related to parks, potholes, street lights, illegal suites, parking, landfill issues, noise, please contact the City of Kelowna:  


To report issues related to speeding, dangerous driving, theft, please contact the RCMP: 250-762-3300 (non-emergency line).

QRRA Accomplishments 


The Quail Ridge FireSmart Committee, formed in 2011 works to improve the safety of homeowners and reduce the risk of damage to property from wildfires.

See all of our FireSmart accomplishments and photos on our FireSmart page.


Air Quality Improvement 

In 2019, the QRRA Board met with the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Mining and the City of Kelowna to discuss and advocate for measures to improve air quality monitoring in Quail Ridge. 


Evacuation Plan 

In 2020, the Quail Ridge Residents’ Association, the FireSmart team and the Okanagan Golf Club developed the Quail Ridge Community Evacuation Plan. This Committee’s plan was approved by the Kelowna Fire Department and the City of Kelowna and filed with the City’s Fire Chief in their Emergency Program documentation.  See Quail Ridge Community Evacuation Plan 



QRRA established the website in 2020 to serve as a communication tool to the residents of the community. The website continues to be an active repository of QRRA business and events. 


Garage Sale 

QRRA supports the annual community garage sale. The springtime event attracts hundreds of buyers. Many local businesses offer discount coupons to participants. 

QRRA Board

Laura Peacock, President                           

Gord Walter, Vice-President

Laura Vigar, Secretary

David Naples, Treasurer

Jackie Venter, Director at Large

Bruce Warren, Director at Large


©2020 by Quail Ridge Residents' Association

Proudly created by Brianna Marshinew with

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