Call to Order: 6:39pm
In attendance: Gord Walter, David Naples, Laura Peacock, Alan Sherbinin, Jackie Venter, Laura Vigar, Bruce Warren, Ralph Wegner
Regrets: none
Minutes of the November 6, 2023 meeting approved: Yes by all
January 16th meeting: Was postponed so Board able to attend meeting with UBCO.
Apology - there really should be a code of conduct for new directors; transparency; regulatory requirements; start the discussion. Laura P to send out. For example, give notice if you can not attend a meeting.
UBCO Meeting
On January 16th, UBCO met with QRRA to preview its Okanagan Campus Plan. UBCO was interested in gaining the QRRA’s perspective as UBCO looked to update the plan to guide the future development of the campus. Gord and Alan attended (Laura and David had problems logging into the Zoom meeting). UBCO was probably hoping for a better representation from our Association.
3. Renewals
8 renewed 12 outstanding of renewal from 2023.
Need to review and document membership renewal process to update spreadsheet.
Google contacts under qrraexec are deleted and now maintained in spreadsheet.
Need to look at qrramembership is next. Alan and David to change bank email to qrraexec; once changed update website to reflect membership to be paid there.
4. Succession Planning
Laura, Alan and David have uploaded all their QRRA files to Google Drive. Gord to send to Alan documents to upload to the drive.
David, Bruce and Gord need to get on and try Google Drive and Google Chat.
Laura P wrote up a Retention Policy for Google Drive. Fits regulatory requirements of Society Act.
5. GIC Term Deposit
David to meet with bank next week; to review term GICs. Locked 2 in 1 for and 1 for 4500 for 2 years 5%; 8000 coming due next monday
keep $4000 out for now in case not approved for pilot program.
need minimum $1500 for firesmart
need money for Directors Liability insurance - Laura P to send out notes on why it is warranted - estimated cost - Laura P will ask if we can piggyback on the City’s policy. Vote: unanimous to purchase Directors Liability Insurance.
Bruce to look into Broker Force and Laura P to contact City
Volunteer insurance for firesmart - are we doing any projects that would warrant this - table for now. We could have volunteers sign a waiver instead.
6. Discussed new Neighbourhood Association Affiliation Pilot Program (NAAPP). February 22 City of Kelowna presentation of newly approved pilot program for NAAPP. Goal is to enhance Resident Associations’ capacity. Up to a maximum of $5000 per year over the 2 year pilot period in General Operating Grants available. Gord investigating the application process for the pilot – contacted Mandy on March 18th. They’d said they were working on it and that they’d let us know when the form was completed.
7. Reimagine Today
David to attend April 6th event and provide report out. Board approved $65 cost of attendance.
8. Old bulletin board on Quail Run Drive - what to do with it?
Bruce will see if our name is on it and report back and if not - send note to City service request to remove it
9. New residents ideas
realtor kits to reach new people
make up a one page flyer to give to selling realtor to give to new owners
Gord and Alan to work on it. Can we add to website?
10. FireSmart
FireSmart and QRRA sign at entrance to community - Gord to call Anthony to get update on the sign.
November 27 Firesmart team meeting held at KF Aerospace – Jackie provided board with update from this meeting .
Jackie applied for a FireSmart Canada Wildfire Community Preparedness Day award and we are awarded $500 on March 11. David will create a new budget line item for FireSmart so we can report out on this sub committee
Laura P applied for a $2000 Wawanesa FireSmart grant on December 12th. On January 26, Jackie and Laura P met via conference call with Wawanessa to discuss grant application. Status: pending.
FireSmart Day – May 4th. Laura to reconfirm budget of $1500 quoted by Mitten and Sons to pick up fire debris in community (2 passes through the community. Mitten and Sons not responding now. Laura P phoned several pick up companies to get quotes for firesmart pick up. QRRA board approved funding this amount if we do not receive the Wawanesa grant.
draft education info and put on website and email - Jackie and Ralph and Laura V to do
would Nesters be willing to put on BBQ - Jackie to ask - Alan suggested
Laura P working with FireSmart Canada to get records updated to allow QRRA to apply for renewal of our FireSmart Community status.
Predator Ridge installed a SenseNet for Enhanced Wildfire Safety. Brief discussion and desire to investigate this. Maybe this is what the Neighbourhood Grant could be used for.
Jackie -
FireSmart update on webpage and Alan send out email
Discussed the 6 tips to being FireSmart. Double size bin - focus on 1.5 meters next to home. Goal: make your home safe for firefighters to try and save it in the event of a fire.
Chipping Service discussed.
11. Garage Sale
Alan has posted on Castanet
review document documents on google drive
Alan to to update map
coupons need to be updated
Alan has spreadsheet of contacts for coupons
Alan to ask printer in neighbourhood if will print for free and give ¼ page add
Ralph can email existing coupons and if some say no, we can ask new businesses
Alan to do map
2 to 3 signs need to be put out one at
put up a week before sale - Alan to get signs to Ralph
Laura P and Bruce to give maps out on May 25 8am to 2pm - Bruce 730-1130 / 1130-2:00
Meeting Adjourned: 8:34pm
Next meeting: TBD