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Update: February 2019


Suspicious Emails from the QRRA?

Over the past 6 months, a few members have reported receiving questionable emails addressed from the QRRA. The emails usually contain hyperlinks and direct the reader to “please read more” by clicking on the link.

Don't. Be mindful about all incoming emails. The hyperlink could be a malicious link used to deliver online scams and threats, like malware and ransomware.

Attached is a simple method sent out last July that members could use to verify the email address from the sender. Note: members have reported that the suspicious emails are coming from a “” email address.

Security Alert

There have been reports of individuals being harassed by a homeless man in Airport Village and at UBCO. As well, an individual was caught on security footage in the 2300 block of Capistrano Drive rummaging through a vehicle. While the police are aware of this activity, it reminds all of us to lock up, be vigilant and contact the police with any concerns.

Snow Removal

Last month, we reported on the City’s plan for snow removal.

As the article explains, the top priority for the City is clearing roads based on their priority status:

Priority One: high-traffic roads such as Gordon Drive

Priority Two: collector roads such as Richter Street, bus routes, school zones, town centers and emergency vehicle stations

Priority Three: local roads within neighbourhoods.

Based on the map link provided in the article, the main road in Quail Ridge, Quail Ridge Boulevard, is designated Priority One, which means the roads are cleared within 8 hours of snowfall; Capistrano, Quail Run and Country Club are designated Priority Two, which means clearing within 12 hours.

As described in the article, “Residents are encouraged to move their vehicles off the road to help plows clear the snow from curb to curb safely and quickly”.

Designation as a snow route will not address general concerns about ongoing street parking problems or change priority plowing. According to Stephen Bryans, Roadway Operations Supervisor for the City of Kelowna, the above mentioned priority rankings do not change if an area is designated as a snow route. As well:

- Designation as a snow route is strictly a designation for a temporary parking ban to ensure vehicles are off of roads in the event of a snow event advisory

- The designation would apply to an entire area (i.e. Dilworth). Individual roads cannot be designated as snow routes

- The temporary parking ban would only come into effect 24 hours after a snow event advisory was issued and remain in effect until the City declares that they have been lifted

- The onus is on the residents of a snow route to determine if a snow event advisory had been issued (i.e. sign up for email advisories, social media, City website)

- Since 2016, only 4 snow event advisories were issued (2018: 1, 2017: 2, 2016:1).

Mr. Bryans has stated that petitioners for snow removal route designation need to present a case to City Council which would then be assessed by the Traffic and Bylaw Departments to determine community need and interest / dislike.

Mark Your Calendar: Firesmart Cleanup May 4th

The Quail Ridge FireSmart Committee is planning a spring community FireSmart cleanup as part of Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on Saturday May 4th.

The Committee encourages members assess their property's fire risk, and plan to remove combustible materials and non-FireSmart vegetation (cedars, junipers and tall grasses) as part of the spring community cleanup. The Committee will be applying for a FireSmart Grant to remove debris from our area.

As well, thinking FireSmart includes preparing an emergency kit and a “grab and go” kit that contains your most valuable items as we prepare for the summer.

Save the Date: Garage sale May 11th … more details to come

40+ homes participating! Free maps! Coupons for deals from our local businesses! Sunny weather!

Pier Mac Way Welcomes New Businesses

The following business will be to moving into our area over the next few months: Tommy Gun's Distribution Centre; the Hampton Inn; and a storage facility next to Nesters.

There are also development applications for: an office warehouse at 2175 - 2185 Optic Court; a warehouse at 1945 Pier Mac way; a cannabis retail shop next to the Starbucks at 5507 Airport Way; and a Freedom Mobile tower to be erected at 1399 Innovation drive.


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