Board News
We would like to notify the membership that Maryse Harvey is no longer with the QRRA Executive. We are very appreciative for all the hard work that Maryse has done for the residents’ association over the last 2 years, and she will be missed.
Share Your Feedback - Final Phase 2040 Official Community Plan Engagement Is Online
The City of Kelowna has released its final phase of the OCP plan for community input. Three way of becoming involved include:
1) Completing a survey … and entering for a chance to win 1 of 5 local gift cards worth $100! (Deadline: March 21st, 2021).
2) Registering for a virtual focus group (registration opens February 1st). Themes include climate action and environmental protection, Urban Centres and residential infill, agricultural lands and suburban neighbourhoods, and
3) Participating in a discussion forum - use the discussion tool on the City website to share feedback.
For further information, see:
Coyote Encounters
WildsafeBC reports that recently people have been reporting more encounters with coyotes. Breeding season normally begins in early February which may be what the aggressive behavior is related to.
WildsafeBC cautions that while encounters can happen at any time, during breeding season, coyotes will also demonstrate an ‘escorting behaviour’ that can feel like you are being stalked. What the coyote is doing, however, is attempting to lead you away from the area around their den. Regardless, if a coyote is encountered, be assertive, give the coyote space and back out of the area.
Wildsafe BC asks that dog owners be aware of the potential for conflict with coyotes, especially if their dog is off leash. Avoid walking dogs at dawn or dusk because this is when coyotes are most active. As well, owners should exercise caution when letting their dog out in their yards because coyotes can scale a 6-to-7-foot fence.
WildsafeBC asks that people report more unusual behavior so that this information appears in its reporting program. Call: B.C. Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.
Quail Ridge Evacuation Plan Released
In 2020, the Quail Ridge Residents’ Association, the FireSmart team and the Okanagan Golf Course worked to develop and finalize the Quail Ridge Community Evacuation Plan (click link to open).
The Committee worked with the Kelowna Fire Department and the City of Kelowna to develop a formalized evacuation plan for the area. The Quail Ridge Community Evacuation Plan has been filed with the City’s Fire Chief in the City’s Emergency Program documentation. For future reference, the evacuation plan can be found under the FireSmart section of this website.
Quail Ridge is a single access route community. The risk from being a single access route community is that the speed of an emergency response is dramatically affected and evacuation efforts can be impacted.
The Evacuation Plan works to mitigate this risk. In the event of an emergency, while the main evacuation route out of the community remains Quail Ridge Boulevard, the risk of being a single access route community is reduced with the introduction of two (2) new key secondary routes. These 2 secondary routes are gated routes via:
• the Glenmore Ellison Irrigation District’s (GEID) gated service road that links into the Pine Trail. Located at the South end of Country Club Drive, this route exits into the upper parking lot at the University of British Columbia, and
• Golf BC’s private gated driveway. Located at the North end of Quail Ridge Boulevard, this private driveway exits onto Dry Valley Road.
The 2 secondary routes allow emergency personnel and equipment to gain access into the community in the event of an emergency. Use of these access routes in and out of the community reduces the risk from:
• Wildfire. Quail Ridge is one of several areas in the City that represents the highest wildfire behavior, and
• Explosion. While a far lower risk, a high-pressure natural gas line from Vernon does run under our single access route (Quail Ridge Boulevard) before it flows into the Gas Pressure Reducing Station at the three-way stop at Quail Ridge Boulevard and Pier Mac.
Please note that the primary purpose of these 2 routes is to ensure that emergency personnel and equipment have access into Quail Ridge. It is the Fire Department’s sole decision to direct residents to use these routes for evacuation. As such, in the event of an emergency, do not block these access routes.
As well, the membership should understand that the Committee did investigate several options to improve the speed of access. The Committee spoke with the City of Kelowna and previous QRRA executive with regards to the creation of a link between the community and Glenmore Road or Dry Valley Road. In both instances, both options were set aside because of the concern that there would be an increase of traffic into the community and with it, an increase in noise and crime.
Formalizing the two secure, gated secondary access routes was considered an excellent solution because it provides the community with accessibility in the event of an emergency, while preserving the benefits from being a single-access route community.
Next Steps
The Committee will continue to work with the City of Kelowna to further improve the speed of access for emergency personnel and equipment.
The Committee is focusing on the Golf BC private driveway route to upgrade it to be in line with the City of Kelowna’s Fire Department’s existing standardized lockbox protocols.
Concurrently, the Committee will continue to work with the City of Kelowna to ensure that the use of the GEID service road / Pine Trail route as an access route is considered in the Gateway Transportation Project. This project includes UBCO’s need for a safe paved, well-lite bike and pedestrian path to be developed between the campus and Quail Ridge.
The Committee will advise on these projects as information becomes available.
The Quail Ridge Residents’ Association would likely to express its appreciation to the Okanagan Golf Course and Golf BC for allowing the use of Golf BC property’s driveway as an integral part of the community’s Evacuation Plan.
UBCO Innovation Precinct

UBCO has received $1.9 million in federal funding to build a collaborative research space
at 1540 Innovation Drive – the goal will be to create a space that facilitates collaborative
commercial activity between local technology companies and graduate level research and learning. The new space, called “Building One”, is due to be completed in this spring.
Curious? See:
CNN Travel – We made the list!
On January 2nd, CNN Travel listed Canada as one of the top 21 destinations to visit in 2021, naming Kelowna specifically as one of the places to see.
“Nightlife seekers will find vibrant club scenes in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, though smaller cities Edmonton and Calgary know how to play too. The laid-back visitor has a bevy of chill choices: among them Tofino, Canada's original hippie destination; Kelowna, a picturesque lakeside wine country; and St. John's, one of the country's friendliest places. In New Brunswick, the recently opened Fundy Trail Parkway boasts wild views of the Bay of Fundy coast and the world's highest tides”. See:
New Payment Option for YLW Parking
Kelowna International Airport (YLW) is introducing an app-based contactless payment option for airport parking. Customers at YLW can now use the PayByPhone mobile app to pay for parking at meters located along the front curb, across from the terminal.
City of Kelowna’s Action Plan
For your information, we have attached the City of Kelowna’s Action Plan. The Action Plan details what the City’s priorities are and how it anticipates completing and evaluating the work.
Click here for Action Plan Brochure
Happy Valentine’s Day from the Gulf Stream Restaurant
Gulf Stream has a couple of lovely options available for Valentine’s Day.
Attached is a beautiful meal to go Valentine’s Day dinner package to cook at home. Or enjoy the same menu as Dine In at Gulfstream on February 13th or 14th. Reservations are strongly recommended.
Click here to view the menu
Local Development
August Luxury Motorcars has moved from its McCurdy Place location to 3510 Spectrum Court – Welcome! And a new developmental proposal has been received by the City for offices at 2150 Matrix Crescent.
Please, lock up, stay safe and keep an eye on our neighbourhood.
Report any suspicious activity to the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300.