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Update: October 2020

QRRA AGM Proxies Deadline: October 4th, 2020

As per our email message on September 24th, the Quail Ridge Residents' Association's Annual General Meeting is being held, in person, on October 7th at 7 PM at the Four Points Hotel.

As per public health restrictions, we will be limited to the number of persons who can attend the meeting, to a maximum of 50. We are also aware that some members may not feel comfortable attending a gathering at this time.

As such, the 2020 AGM is strictly a formal proceeding. We will not have any speakers attending, nor will there be any drinks or snacks available. All chairs will be spaced 2 metres apart no matter how many family members attend.

If you feel comfortable attending, please bring your own copies of AGM documents. The Meeting Agenda is attached and the 2019 AGM Minutes can be viewed at: The QRRA Financial Position October 1 2020 will be forwarded prior to the AGM.

If you do not feel comfortable attending, we are providing a Proxy form (attached). If you would like your vote to be counted, we ask that you complete the form and add the name of someone who can vote on your behalf. We have included the names of the current QRRA board members below, should you wish to give them your Proxy.

We ask that ALL proxies be returned to the Association no later than October 4th. (You can send your signed proxy by email to:

Current QRRA Board Members:

Laura Peacock

Maryse Harvey

Terry Prechel

Tanis Read

Ken Ristau

Barry Kaechele

Gordon Walter

Alan Sherbinin

Arlene Marshinew

Michael Henderson

Lynn Weger

Airport Village Pharmasave: Flu Vaccinations Start October 1st

Pharmasave will be starting the flu vaccinations tomorrow, October 1st.

Appointments can be made by phone (778-484-8960) or by dropping by the pharmacy to book your spot.

Pharmasave asks that the attached flu vaccine protocol and flu vaccine consent form please be read.

Thank you very much.

Membership Renewals – a friendly reminder

A friendly reminder to those of you that received notification that your QRRA membership expires on September 30, 2020 … if you wish to renew your membership, your payment of $10 (2 years) can be made by:

· e-Transfer. Add "" as a recipient, or

· drop off or mail to 2264 Capistrano Drive.

If you need to update contact information, simply fill in the membership form at:

FireSmart Challenge Deadline: October 7th, 2020

Don’t miss your chance to win 4 rounds of golf, with carts, courtesy of the Okanagan Golf Club!

This year, the fall FireSmart cleanup has abit of a twist! As detailed in the September 29th FireSmart Community Update, the FireSmart activity will be the same as in previous years, with homeowners making their homes and yards more fire safe by removing;

· dead plants, leaves and weeds within 10 meters of a home

· leaves, pine needles and other debris from roofs and gutters

… and placing the material in homeowners’ Green Bins before the October 7th Green Bin pick-up.

If you do so before October 7th Green Bin pickup day, remember to email to have your name included in the draw.

Build the QRRA Website’s Photo Gallery!

Do you have some amazing photos of our community? Send in your photos and we will add them to the website gallery.

When you send them in, please tell us:

· Where the photo was taken?

· The date that the photo was taken, and

· If you want your name posted as the donor of the photo?

Call for FireSmart Volunteers

Help keep our community fire safe. The Quail Ridge FireSmart Committee needs you. If you can help, the Committee would love to hear from you.

Email Glen Maddess, Chair, at or give him a call at 250-491-9482.

Local Development

As you might have noticed, there are a few changes at Airport Village.

National Car Rental has left its Airport Village location. However, the village is welcoming a new dental office, Quail Ridge Dental, that should be opening in October. And the newest business at the village, the Grizzly Bear Bistro & Bar, has launched its full menu – see attached. As usual, Quail Ridge residents will receive a 10% off on their food bill (not applicable during Happy hour and with any other discounts).


©2020 by Quail Ridge Residents' Association

Proudly created by Brianna Marshinew with

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